Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Cell Wall

Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Cell Wall

Quantifying the resulting mechanical parameters is critical for clarifying the mechanical consequences caused by the changed cell wall composition. CD BioSciences is committed to providing our customers with services for the characterization of mechanical properties of plant cell walls and submitting detailed and scientific experimental reports to customers.


The cell wall has long been of interest to researchers because of its unique mechanical properties. It has both the mechanical stability to support plant morphology and the ability to allow cells to expand for growth without rupture. The non-linear way it responds to stress can even actively change to suit the plant's growth needs at different stages. These properties provide the inspiration for the production of polymer materials with improved strength and ductility.

A number of different methods have been used to measure the stiffness of plant tissues, such as stretching separated tissues directly with an extensometer and manipulating turgor pressure with a pressure probe followed by measuring the resulting deformation. However, these techniques are destructive to the sample and cannot be used to measure the mechanical properties of living tissues. In recent years, advances in instrumentation and technology in the field of biophysical analysis have facilitated the study of the mechanical properties of plant cell walls. New techniques such as atomic force microscopy (AFM) and microindentation have opened up new possibilities for measuring the mechanical properties of biological systems in vivo.

The hardware of cellular force microscopy.Fig.1 The hardware of cellular force microscopy. (Majda, 2019)

Our Services

We have established a number of advanced techniques such as relaxation spectroscopy and cellular force microscopy to help our customers characterize the cell wall properties of growing cells. Our services include but are not limited to:

  • Measurement of the mechanical properties of plant cell walls
    • Analysis of transverse mechanical properties of cell walls of individual living plant cells based on laser-generated acoustic waves.
    • Viscoelastic analysis of cell walls of individual living plant cells based on dynamic nanoindentation.
  • Measurement of Turgor Pressure
    We offer a variety of techniques such as pressure probe technology and dual-indentation technology to accurately measure turgor pressure and cell wall elasticity in plant cells.
  • Mechanical Modeling of the Primary Plant Cell Wall
    We offer mechanical modeling of primary cell walls by combining structural cell wall details with quantitative biophysical parameters.
  • Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Wood Cell Wall
    We have established a completed cell wall mechanics characterization system to provide direct information on wood cell wall mechanics.

Our Advantages

  • A professional and creative research team
  • Efficient, reliable, and cost-effective
  • Detailed and reliable after-sales service

CD BioSciences is a leading provider in the field of biophysical analysis. We have extensive experience in characterizing the mechanical properties of plant cell walls. We are capable of providing professional and efficient solutions to meet your specific research and project development needs in the field of cell wall analysis. If you are interested in our services, please contact us directly for more details.


  1. Majda, M. et al. Cellular force microscopy to measure mechanical forces in plant cells. Plant Cell Morphogenesis. 2019: 215-230.
For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.
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CD BioSciences is a biotechnology company focused on biophysical services. We are proficient in both chemistry and biophysics, and have a comprehensive biophysical platform containing a wide range of advanced technologies.

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