Detection of Root Phenotype

Detection of Root Phenotype

Detection of Root Phenotype

There are still some challenges in assessing plant roots. CD BioSciences focuses on root imaging system research to help customers analyze the phenotypic characteristics of plant root structure, providing data support for clarifying the mechanism of plants adapting to the changing environment and improving agricultural productivity.


As the root system is an important organ for absorbing water, nutrients and minerals in plants, it is necessary to obtain as much information about the root system as possible while ensuring the root growth in the soil. Due to rhizosphere conditions, the root system is more plastic than the shoot and therefore some important root structures have not been standardized. Furthermore, root morphology varies significantly even under the same genotype, making it difficult to define the ideal root systems for breeding.

In previous reports, traditional non-reproducible excavation methods have been used in the field of root research, especially phenotypic research. The emergence of in situ multispectral phenotypic imaging systems for plant roots has changed this situation, allowing researchers to use in situ, high-resolution and non-invasive monitoring in their studies of root systems. Multispectral imaging techniques, with their unified mapping characteristics, have become a hot topic in plant science research. One of the better methods available is the VideometerMR, which has practical research significance for crop germplasm resources and forest germplasm resources.

The result of the algorithm processing the picture of the maize root.Fig.1 The result of the algorithm processing the picture of the maize root. (Lu, 2019)

Our Services

Over the years we have worked to develop accurate and non-destructive 3D imaging techniques such as X-ray computed tomography (X-ray CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), white neutron beam radiography and tomography to help our customers produce clear 3D images of the root to extract root system architecture (RSA) features. We offer our clients root phenotyping for a wide range of plants such as barley, rice and maize. We offer our clients the detection of the following parameters:

  • Spatial distribution of the root system
  • Root length and width
  • Root extension characteristics (elongation rate, root lifespan, maximum root length)
  • Root hair density and bending angle
  • Root branching patterns (length between ramifications, ratio of the parent-to-daughter root diameter, geometric data of insertion angle and tropisms)
  • Root network perimeter, network area, convex area, and bushiness index


  • Developments in non-destructive, large-scale RSA analysis
  • Facilitating quantitative trait locus (QTL) assays
  • Facilitating genome-wide association studies (GWAS)

With a state-of-the-art biophysical analysis platform, CD BioSciences offers clients root phenotyping services for plants, including scanning RSA, reconstructing 3D images and extracting RSA features. Our accurate and non-destructive 3D imaging technology and professional data analysis software will help you to obtain accurate data to characterize the plant root phenotype. Please feel free to contact us for more details.


  1. Lu, W.; et al. Root phenotypic detection of different vigorous maize seeds based on progressive corrosion joining algorithm of image. Plant methods. 2019, 15(1): 1-13.
For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.
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CD BioSciences is a biotechnology company focused on biophysical services. We are proficient in both chemistry and biophysics, and have a comprehensive biophysical platform containing a wide range of advanced technologies.

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