Modeling of Growth Stress Profiles Inside Tree Stems

Modeling of Growth Stress Profiles Inside Tree Stems

Modeling of Growth Stress Profiles Inside Tree Stems

CD BioSciences is committed to helping customers build usable models corresponding to growth histories to assess growth stress profiles inside tree stems. Our excellent level of expertise in the field of modeling allows us to provide our customers with high-quality scientific services and professional guidance in growth stress accumulation studies.


As the wood matures and the weight of the tree increases during growth, growth stresses accumulate in the stem to fulfill basic biomechanical functions. However, they generally create technical problems during the transformation of the tree, leading to checks and deformation of boards after sawing, etc. Studying the mechanisms by which growth stresses are generated is therefore crucial to finding effective solutions to reduce them.

Kübler was the first to propose a mechanical model for the distribution of growth stresses, which was very useful for analyzing either technical or biomechanical aspects. Although the general mechanical framework for stress generation in growing stems has been extensively described in later studies, it is necessary to return to the analytical formulations extended from Kübler's original ones, as they allow direct correlation with parameters describing growth conditions. The extension of these analytical formulations to situations with heterogeneous wood properties, eccentricity and bending stresses is helpful for elucidating growth stress profiles inside tree stems.

Fiber mechanical model to calculate gelatinous fiber (G fiber) deformations. Fig.1 Fiber mechanical model to calculate gelatinous fiber (G fiber) deformations. (Gril, 2017)

Our Services

Researchers at CD BioSciences have built up a lot of successful experience in the modeling field, allowing us to provide our clients with high-quality modeling services for growth stress distribution within tree stems. We can build a wide range of available models corresponding to typical growth histories, such as radial variations in maturity stress or modulus of elasticity, eccentric growth with tangential variations in maturity stress, bending stresses generated in inclined stems by passive bending under self-weight or active uprighting. Our services include but are not limited to:

  • Modeling for the case of a straight and vertical axisymmetric stem loaded by self-weight.
  • Modeling for the case of a straight and vertical axisymmetric stem loaded by wood maturation.
  • Modeling for the case of an actively reacting stem with stationary orientation.
  • Modeling for the case of a stem passively bending under its self-weight.
  • Growth pressure measurement and model validation.

Our Advantages

Our Advantages

  • Innovative and professional research teams
  • Short experiment period
  • Provide customized solutions according to needs
  • Detailed after-sales service

CD BioSciences offers our customers not only an excellent service for modeling the growth stress profiles in tree stems, but also model validation to clarify the correspondence between experimental results and simulations. If you are interested in our services, please contact us directly for more details.


  1. Gril, J.; et al. Tree growth stress and related problems. Journal of Wood Science. 2017, 63(5): 411-432.
For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.
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CD BioSciences is a biotechnology company focused on biophysical services. We are proficient in both chemistry and biophysics, and have a comprehensive biophysical platform containing a wide range of advanced technologies.

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